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New Coach at Lancaster Mennonite

By: Patrick Weider

Teasia Myers-Pena was recently named head coach of the girls basketball program at Lancaster Mennonite High School. The former J.P. McCaskey basketball player takes over a program where she was an assistant under Trevor Orr. Myers-Pena “I am very excited. There are some nerves. I have been Coaching since 2013. This is something I definitely wanted to do”. She recently was the head coach at Reynolds Middle School in the School District of Lancaster.

Myers-Pena is one of the best basketball players in J.P. McCaskey High School history. She scored 1229 points while at McCaskey. Myers-Pena on going to school at McCaskey “Playing and going to JP was a good experience. A lot of what we see and face is the real world. JP has always shaped me as a person”. As a former player Myers-Pena feels like she can help the girls deal with different problems that might occur in their lives. “Just being a player and going right through what the girls are going through. Telling them my stories”.

One of the goals for Myers-Pena is to improve the numbers of the Lancaster Mennonite girls who play on the basketball team. Myers-Pena “The numbers for girls basketball have declined. Get girls out and play. Once I get them in the gym everything else will fall in place”. Don’t count out Myers-Pena. From being a star at McCaskey, to tearing her ACL in college and now all her coaching experiences she is ready for this opportunity. 

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